Sunday, December 9, 2007

The store that makes me want to be a better man

...or woman, in my case.

Today, I finally made it to the big new Dillons at Central and Rock. I'm not sure what took me so long, other than that I live no where near Central and Rock. Or maybe I was just afraid it would be too good. And it was.

They had shallots just, like, SITTING in a basket. No orange mesh bag. Just SITTING there.

I would consider moving to be closer to these shallots.


Tess Knadler said...

We would love to have you in the neighborhood. Yes, the new Dillons is a constant source of joy!

Maria said...

I cannot wait until ours opens at 21st & Maize. Think of all the great things Papa Louie will be able to make when he visits!

Jennifer Lacy said...

Let me just say Central and Rock was our Dillons and I miss it so! I will give you a little piece of advice never, under any circumstance, go in there not expecting to see someone you know because you will. SO shopping in PJ bottoms are out. Learned that the hard way. Half the Eagle shops there or so it seems.