Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bad bunnies

The extension agent told Annie it was either deer or bunnies.

And since Delano isn't home to a lot of deer, I think I have my culprit.

On Mother's Day, I planted four tomato and one yellow pepper plant. They were all growing nicely, bulking up and starting to fill out.

Then, a couple of days ago, I noticed that my fat plants had suddenly become bare twigs. SOMETHING devoured every leaf on every plant.

This happened to me one other year, and it was infuriating. I'm bummed that I have to start all over, that I'm now three weeks behind AND that I have to devise some complicated method for keeping those friggin rabbits away.

Heinous hares!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Dennis, the Master Gardener, should be able to help you with this one!

Unknown said...

Sprinkler cayenne pepper on the leaves. The bunnies don't like the hot pepper and it won't hurt your plants.

Unknown said...

Of course I meant to type in "Sprinkle"