Monday, May 26, 2008

The calm after the storm

Annie and the boys just drove away, and already, things are 1,362 percent calmer. Note to self: Never have boys.

Annie asked me to take some pictures of the three of them in their white shirts. I did my very best, though it's absolutely impossible to get them all to smile properly at the same moment.

And sadly, Aunt Jaime, we were working with high-noon light.

Got one of mom, Annie and Aunt Margaret while I was at it.

Photography by Alexis A. Jungman.


Jaime said...

It's OK that you had crappy lighting since those pics are adorable.

Lori said...

i agree. you're so lucky to have such a darling daughter and wonderful family.

Heather rules said...

That's so funny. I made a note to self after my Saturday evening: Never have girls. ;o)