Sunday, October 21, 2007

Farewell, GCK

This weekend, Lexi and I drove down to Garden City to help mom and dad pack for their impending move. We did more hanging out than packing.

It started with a bonfire. The soon to be ex-house is out on the middle of a prairie with only about 15 other houses, and the neighbors are all pretty close.

Close enough to burn jumbo tumbleweeds together.

The next morning was the garage sale. Lexi broke the tacky little elephants she's playing with here. And someone still paid $1 for them.

This morning, Lexi helped Grammy cook waffles.

Mmmmmm. Waffles.

1 comment:

Jennifer Lacy said...

all this pancake and waffle talk is making me hungry! Lexi is getting so big!