Thursday, October 4, 2007

A horse and a mouse

Tonight, Lexi was testing out a possible Halloween horsey costume. I say possible because she's very particular about what she wears and there's a good chance she MIGHT figure out before Halloween that this is not actually a horsey costume. We thank Hannah and Jack for loaning us their props. And speaking of Hannah...

We heard today that she got a part in the Friends University production of "The Nutcracker," and we are very proud. She will be playing a mouse. I plan to take my little cowgirl. I mean, horsey.


Suzanne said...

Awwwww, what a cutie cowgirl! I mean horsey!! And thanks for the early plug for the Nutcracker production... My girlie is definitely on top of the world this morning. :-)

Jaime said...

I was a cowgirl when I was five in 1980. I was especially happy to wear a hat since I decided to cut my own hair that morning. It wasn't until that evening when my parents found out. I guess it was a Halloween trick.