Saturday, October 27, 2007


Tonight, we had a date with Harrison and Maddy. Amy had a school dance to attend, so she loaned us some friends for the evening .

We started with dinner at Red Robin, where there were balloons and burgers to go around.

Did somebody order a Harrison sandwich?

Then, per Amy's advice, we put on our costumes and headed over to Harrison and Maddy's church for Trunk-or-Treat. For the uninitiated, it's like trick-or-treating, only in a parking lot, and the candy comes out of decorated car trunks.

Taking inventory.

Afterward, we came back here to play. At the moment, it's 9:01, an hour and one minute past Lexi's bedtime. She and Harrison are having a flyswatter fight. Every toy we own is on the ground. And Maddy and I are cuddled up watching "The Jungle Book."


Kathryn said...

Sounds like fun. Can't believe Lexi was up so late. btw, it's 11:28pm and L is still awake hanging out by the backyard fire.

Lori said...

Wow, that sounds like the perfect evening!