Sunday, December 9, 2007

Why must she?

Last night, our friends Audrey and Scott invited us and the Baumers over to their fancy Eastborough home for a little dinner, game play and Christmas cake decorating.

Lexi was a little intimidated by the four big kids, but she hung in there the best she could.

After cake decorating and eating, the big kids went to watch a movie and Lexi stuck to me like gumdrop on white icing. She wouldn't go to sleep but was snuggled on a white chair in Audrey's formal living room, watching us play games.

But because she's Lexi, the story doesn't end there. Suddenly, at the height of one of our games, lots of pink and chunky stuff started re-emerging from Lexi's mouth. All over the white chair. The evening was pretty much over at that point.

I think, though I may be wrong, that I've had to endure more of these horrifying episodes than the average mom.

Smells like it, anyway.


Lori said...

she does look a little green around the gills in that second photo. that poor child. and mama.

Jennifer Lacy said...

I think we all feel that way at one time or another - luckily the good always outweighs the bad!

Anonymous said...

i've been there.

i think ethan throws up more than any kid i know -- and i've been on the receiving end more than i ever thought possible....

Anonymous said...

Awwww, poor Lexi. Hope she's feeling better.

KRyan said...

hey, what's the holidays without a little pink vomit?? she was decorating in her own special way, cut her some slack.