Sunday, March 2, 2008

Kirstie's table

Today, we took Nick's parents Wendy and Fred...

... and Lexi's new bunny, Bunny, out to brunch at the Eaton Steakhouse, where there's so much natural light it's nearly impossible to take a bad picture.

Last week, when Diane and Lori and I were lunching at the Eaton, the maitre d' pointed out what he said was Kirstie Alley's table. We were seated at that table today, and halfway through brunch, that same maitre d' came over, grinning widely, and whispered to me that Kirstie was there and was none too happy that we had her table. She got stuck in the corner. That's her with the long hair, back to us.

The food was so good. I had the eggs Benedict, although I forced myself to only eat one of those mounds of heaven on accounta I had to meet the girls for a Zumba class at Genesis an hour later.

Nick ordered this mascarpone cheese-stuffed crepe, which was definitely more dessert than breakfast.

Speaking of dessert, the Eaton has a pastry chef who is quite skilled with a frosting tip. Pictured above are not roses but rows of cupcakes.

How the hell...

...does she do that?????


Maria said...

Melissa saw her out to dinner that night at Il Vicino. I guess she's making her rounds at the local restaurants.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photos, Denise. I think you've convinced me to dine there on my birthday this weekend!

Heather rules said...

Eggs Benedict is my all time fav!