Sunday, November 25, 2007

In their element

On Saturday, I slummed it with the sports reporters and photogs to write a fan story at the KU/MU game at Arrowhead. I have some big sporting event experience -- I worked writing fan stories on two KU basketball tournament trips several years ago.

The thing I like best about these assignments is watching my colleagues in their element. I alway see their work in the paper, but it's fun to see what they go through to get it.

Here are Travis and Bo hauling approximately 3,000 pounds of photo equipment through the Arrowhead parking lot. I offered to help...

And here are the Lutzes, Jeff and Bob, hard at work in the press box -- way cramped quarters with a way cool view.


Lori said...

Cool behind-the-scenes photos. Too bad the view of the scoreboard wasn't so cool ...

Travis said...

notice how much more efficient of a Sherpa I am than Bo.