Sunday, November 4, 2007

To the beach...

On Sunday, we left San Antonio and drove two hours to Corpus Christi/Padre Island. Lexi's been wanting to see the beach, and this was her big chance.

The rental car doesn't have a DVD player like Lexi's van, but she made do.

At the hotel, Lexi decided she wanted to sleep in a big girl bed and napped on the fold-out couch. This is our first non-crib sleeping event ever.

After the nap, it was beach time. Lexi was a little unsure at first, but she warmed up faster than the gulf in November.

Step one: Build sand castles.

Step two: Test the water. I foolishly assumed it'd be too cold on Nov. 4 to get in the water and didn't pack any swimwear. Bad move.

Again, we made do. We called these clothes our Kansas Wetsuits. They'll never dry before the flight tomorrow.


On another matter... The reason the concept of hotels works, in my opinion, is that the nice maid comes in and wipes away any evidence that anyone has ever used the room before you. If you had to know, for example, that the bed you were using was last occupied by a horny college student or a pervy old man, well, you might not sleep quite as soundly.

That's why we were as sorry as we were amused to find this behind the fold-out couch our poor toddler is now snoozing upon. Sorry, folks, it was just the case. No DVD.

Censored for your viewing pleasure...


Lori said...

Oh, dear. When you enlarge this photo there is a lot left uncensored. Not that I tried, or anything. I'm just assuming....

Lori said...

Those damn gingers are always ruining fun family times. Sigh.