It's been kind of a tough week, mainly because I've been recovering from a nasty cold that conveniently started on the first day of my Thanksgiving vacation. It delivered its grand finale more than a week later -- this morning -- when I woke up to find my right ear completely and totally 100 percent clogged. Nothing was coming in -- no sound, no nothing. It was such a miserable feeling, I scheduled an emergency trip to the doc this afternoon. Fortunately, my ear unclogged about five minutes before I was about to walk out the door to the doctor, so I canceled. Now I'm feeling sorta fine. Thanks to Drs. Tobias, Calovich and Buselt for all their guidance.
On top of that, I was Lori at work this week (you might have noticed Mizz Vacation's upswing in blog posts), and it was a strange, strange week. All sorts of odd things happening, and Bob Curtright gave me attitude. Not a good combination.
Have I mentioned I'm 35 now?
And as if all that weren't enough, I've been dealing with the sad news that one of my favorite people, Chris Shull, is moving back to Texas. Soon. I'm caught a little off guard by how sad it's making me.
Next week will be better. Right??
Oh, God. I thought Lexi was only two, but she's already dressing like a high school student!
Well, now you know how hard it is to keep up with such things as blogging when you have a job as challenging and grueling as mine....
Thanks for the peep show on Lexi. Naturally, Dale was appalled.
Sorry about your bad week. I'm sure next week will be better :)
I feel sad Chris is leaving, too, Denise. What a yucky week. Next week has GOT to be better. (((Denise)))
Chris is leaving, so he's letting his hair down? Your little part of the newsroom just won't be the same without him, will it?
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