Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ain't she trendy?

Well, okay, maybe Crocs aren't exactly TRENDY, or even attractive, but they sure are cute on tiny feet. Tonight, Lexi received this pair in the mail from her Grammy. She was quite thrilled.
Look at those cute little knees!

We unwrapped the box, and she insisted upon wearing her new Crocs immediately. After testing them to make sure they were running-, jumping- and dancing- compatible, she made sure they would also make good dining companions. And then she called me bossy. I'll show you the video.


Lori said...

Positively adorable. I want to know what she had for dinner. Does that make me weird?

Denise said...

She had lasagna, corn on the cob and cantaloupe. And a crouton. And no, you were weird before you asked that question.

Travis said...

Does she want to wear the crocs to bed, too?