Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Narrowly avoided pre-Fourth fireworks

So this morning, I went to fill up at the QT at Washington and Douglas (always an adventure), and I could barely believe what transpired.

As I pumped gas, I noticed that the guy at the pump right across from me was filling up his old pickup truck WITH THE ENGINE RUNNING WHILE SMOKING A CIGARETTE. Panicked, I checked the posted signage and confirmed that no, neither of those activities is advised at a FRIGGIN GAS STATION.

The horror of the moment was still registering when suddenly, (I sh*t you not) someone lit some firecrackers in the parking lot.

And then the guy smoking and pumping started ranting about how much he hates fireworks.

Ah, Douglas and Washington. I got out of there fast.

I've got some photos and updates from our trip to Texas coming very soon. I just have to find time to sit down and post them.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

That is the best story!!! I laughed the whole time I was reading it to Jeff. Gotta love Wichita!!