Friday, July 20, 2007

Battling Bonnie Bloggers

Thursday night, I showed up to Bonnie's roast ready to take some great photos for what I naturally assumed would be the Best Bonnie Blog entry ever. Of course, I was not counting on a few variables. 1.) The horrible lighting in the otherwise beautiful Scottish Rite Temple. 2.) Cutthroat blog competition from show-offs Lori and Maria.

I might have underachieved. Not only are my pictures far inferior, but their blogs postings were both up before the sun. Nonetheless, I hope you will enjoy my third-rate take on the evening.

Despite our seats in the baaaaaaccccckkkkk of the house (it's okay Carrie, really) I was able to push my way to the front to get this shot of Bon mid-roasting. I think this look depicts the perfect combination of delight and horror.

Our photo editor, Brian Corn, got in touch with his lighter side.

I was put to work before the fashion show doing hair. A bottle of Aqua Net and five minutes in the men's room helped Tim Norton and I achieve this killer look.

I also did Jaime's "ponies," as Lexi would call them. I think she looks so cute in this photo. And about 5 years old. By the way, if anyone needs a replay of Jaime's SuperFreak dance, I have video.


Maria said...

Loved this post. I've never considered myself "cutthroat" before. I told you I was addicted!

Lori said...

You did an amazing job with Tim Norton. By the way, I didn't realize these photos had been posted, cuz I figured the pug-in-the-garden pics were your latest.
As for my cutthroat blogging, I couldn't have done it without you and your spare Elf battery.....