Friday, July 20, 2007

Gardening woes

I planted the suckers in May, which means I've been waiting about two months to eat just one, just ONE tomato off my three giant plants. The first one that started to ripen was pillaged by an unknown insect. But I had a second one ready to come off the vine. I was waiting until today to pick it. Went out there this afternoon, and it's gone.

Gee, I wonder what happened to it.

Naughty pug! Don't worry. I have plenty of evidence, including a piece of tomato skin clinging to the ground, the fact that I saw him lounging in the garden this morning, and of course this photo. These are the peppers I planted in the spot where one tomato plant had died. They're XXXtra hot something or others, and they'd been disturbed, too. Wonder how those went down.

AFTER: Dog acts like a rabbit, dog gets treated like a rabbit. I just hope he doesn't try to jump it.

And to add insult to injury: Last week, this pot contained the most full, lush Italian parsley you've ever seen. I came home a few days ago to discover my parsley was gone and five fat caterpillars were clinging to the sad little twigs they'd left behind. ARGH!


Maria said...

Who knew pugs liked tomatoes?

Lori said...

Caterpillars also have destroyed my parsley in years past, but not this year. I have my doubts about Norty eating your veggies. Maybe moles or rabbits? They have been brutal to my flowers....