Sunday, July 15, 2007

Swimmin', Delano style

Here in Delano, we don't have any fancy neighborhood pool. (Though we wish we did.) So when we want to get wet, we just share a watering with the tomato plants. Bugs love Lexi, so I'm always hesitant to take her outside. But how can you deny a kid a run through the sprinklers? We lathered her down with DEET and went for it.


Travis said...

I don't know about the kid, but the tomatoes look pretty damn good.

Unknown said...

Tell that girl, pink IS her color!

Denise said...

Well, Julie, I hope you recognize the swimsuit from the famous hand-me-down pile. We praised Rachel's name on the way out the door.

Lori said...

You are welcome to come over anytime to use our "pool." Lexi would have fun and you probably would too.

Maria said...

Our pool is always open too!

Unknown said...

Yes, I do, Denise! Good thing pink is a dominant color in Rachel's closet, given Lexi's latest pinkiness!

Jaime said...

Maria, I'm so glad to hear that lil' Lex isn't banned for life from your pool. (Remember what happened the last time she took a dip?) Gotta love strong chlorine!

Anonymous said...

ok, so gabi still doesn't get this whole run-through-the-sprinklers and splash-in-the-baby-pool thing. maybe lexi needs to show her how it's done.