Monday, July 9, 2007

Rain, rain, don't go away

I know that some of you out there might consider this to be the worst summer in memory, what with all this rain, but in my estimation, that's what makes this the best summer in memory.

I love rain! I can't get enough of it. I like the way the sky gets dark and moody. I love the way it smells. I love the way it cools off a burning hot summer day. A few years ago, when we were deciding when to take our trip to England, I suggested July. And it worked out perfectly. While it was 105 and hotter than Hades here, it was 75 and raining every day in London. Heaven!

I wasn't even upset when it rained on the Fourth of July. I just sat on my front porch soaking it in. Lexi helped. "I love rain!" I told her just as Aunt Jaime shot this picture. "ME TOO!" she replied. "I'M TAKING A SHOWER!"


Anonymous said...

Awwwww, Lexi is so cute in the rain. :-)

We love rain and puddles, too. Still, not as much as sun and swimming....

Unknown said...

I'm telling you, Denise. Cute galoshes, on sale, at Target!

Lori said...

Hello? Anyone home? It's been days since you posted something fresh. Surely Lexi has done something utterly adorable to write about...
And fyi... I've updated my blog so be sure to check it out.