Thursday, August 2, 2007

Muy, muy malo

Sadly, I have learned that the big Mattel recall for lead paint applies to Lexi's beloved Dora van. And the Dora that sits in the van. And the Dora mommy we bought a few weeks later because Lexi was very concerned that there was no adult to operate the van.

This makes me sad because I have to take her toys away, but also mad that this toy manufacturer I trusted might have put Lexi in danger. I'm trying not to be too concerned, but lead is a scary sounding thing.

Here's the little offender shortly before she was quarantined to a plastic bag. Supposedly, we'll be able to send her back in for some sort of refund.

Muy, muy malo.


Anonymous said...

Adios, Dora!

Unknown said...

You're right. Lead is scary. I think Rachel has that same Dora van. But she got it as a Christmas present last year.